Edit - Vehicle Rented

General Info
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Dealer Details
Vehicle Costs
Date Amount Description
04-03-2022 $527 AAW
15-12-2022 $250 Clean
16-12-2022 $33 AAW - parts
16-12-2022 $88 Pick Me - Spare key
01-09-2023 $90 AAW - supply & fit tensioner
01-01-1970 $0 AAW - lf door mirror
29-04-2022 $100 AAW - LF door mirror
09-12-2022 $728 AAW - service, exhaust. rim & tyre
06-12-2022 $33 AAW - power steering belt
26-05-2023 $293 AAW - front & rear pads
17-01-2023 $93 R & J Batteries
01-01-1970 $90 AAW - supply & fit tensioner
08-09-2023 $183 AAW - new sway bar links
25-10-2023 $140 D & T machine front rotors
24-11-2023 $268 AAW - service & check over
Total: 2916
Other Costs
Date Amount Description
20-09-2022 $10 23/8/22 - Variation to account
20-09-2022 $10 20/9/22 - Variation to account
Total: 20
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